

Our payroll outsourcing services include the full range of payroll activities for any processing period.

Our payroll experts are experienced in processing weekly, fortnightly, bi-monthly, or monthly payrolls for both locals and expatriates.

We provide the following to our clients:

  • Custom Report Development
    • We develop and customize reports to meet the changing and demanding needs of today’s organizations.
    • Our in-house experts can modify existing payroll reports to meet new requirements or develop custom reports to serve the specific need.
  • Set up individual employee databases to include tax status, various bank accounts, Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance numbers, the rate of pay, allowances and deductions.
  • Provide detailed pay registers for approval.
  • Direct deposit of net pay to employees’ bank accounts.
  • Emailing of password protected payslips.
  • Disbursements for pension, medical, mortgage and credit union and other miscellaneous payroll related assignments.
  • Payment of statutory deductions to the Board of Inland Revenue and National Insurance Board.
  • Preparation of TD4 forms for all employees and TD4 summary for remittance to the Board of Inland Revenue.
  • Accommodate audits conducted by the Board of Inland Revenue and National Insurance Board in connection with statutory deductions.
  • Set up a general ledger cross reference for payroll related transactions and clients’ related chart of accounts.